
2022-01-12 00:00:00 python string formatting



I wonder if there is an easy way to format Strings of dict-outputs such as this:

  'planet' : {
    'name' : 'Earth',
    'has' : {
      'plants' : 'yes',
      'animals' : 'yes',
      'cryptonite' : 'no'

...,一个简单的 str(dict) 只会给你一个非常难以理解的...

..., where a simple str(dict) just would give you a quite unreadable ...

{'planet' : {'has': {'plants': 'yes', 'animals': 'yes', 'cryptonite': 'no'}, 'name': 'Earth'}}

就我对 Python 的了解而言,我将不得不编写大量带有许多特殊情况和 string.replace() 调用的代码,而这个问题本身看起来并不像 1000 行问题.

For as much as I know about Python I would have to write a lot of code with many special cases and string.replace() calls, where this problem itself does not look so much like a 1000-lines-problem.

请建议根据此形状格式化任何 dict 的最简单方法.

Please suggest the easiest way to format any dict according to this shape.


根据您对输出的处理方式,一种选择是使用 JSON 进行显示.

Depending on what you're doing with the output, one option is to use JSON for the display.

import json
x = {'planet' : {'has': {'plants': 'yes', 'animals': 'yes', 'cryptonite': 'no'}, 'name': 'Earth'}}

print json.dumps(x, indent=2)


  "planet": {
    "has": {
      "plants": "yes", 
      "animals": "yes", 
      "cryptonite": "no"
    "name": "Earth"

这种方法需要注意的是,有些东西不能被 JSON 序列化.如果 dict 包含类或函数等不可序列化的项目,则需要一些额外的代码.

The caveat to this approach is that some things are not serializable by JSON. Some extra code would be required if the dict contained non-serializable items like classes or functions.
