os.removexattr 的 Python 文档——'*'(星号)参数是什么意思?



My first question, please be gentle. I searched but could not find an answer here or elsewhere.

请注意,此问题不适用于 *args 等参数的解包.

Note that this question does not apply to unpacking of arguments like *args.

在 os.removexattr 声明如下:

os.removexattr(path, attribute, *, follow_symlinks=True)

    Removes the extended filesystem attribute attribute from path.
    attribute should be bytes or str. If it is a string, it is encoded
    with the filesystem encoding.

    This function can support specifying a file descriptor and not
    following symlinks.


Note that the third argument is a star: *


I assumed that this means "specify one attribute or several attributes separated by comma", but when trying to do that, I get an exception:

import os
os.removexattr('M7-AAE-01.jpg', 'user.camera_brand', 'user.camera_model')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    TypeError: Function takes at most 2 positional arguments (3 given)


I also tried to supply a list of arguments, but that did not work either.


What exactly does the star argument mean in this case? Thank you.


单个星号 * 仅表示它强制您使用命名参数.在这种情况下,如果你想为 follow_symlinks 传递一个值,你必须传递参数名称.

The single asterisk * just means that it is forcing you to use named arguments. In this case if you want to pass a value for follow_symlinks, you have to pass the argument name.

这个想法是您不必阅读像 foo(True, False, False) 这样的函数调用并且不知道这些值在做什么.

The idea is you don't having to read function calls like foo(True, False, False) and not know what those values are doing.
