如何使用 Python 列出远程主机目录中的文件?

2022-01-11 00:00:00 python operating-system



I need get the list of files from a remote host directory, running the code in my local machine.

类似于 远程主机 上的 os.listdir(),而不是运行的本地机器上的 os.lisdir()蟒蛇代码.

Is something like os.listdir() at remote host machine, NOT is os.lisdir() in the local machine that runs the python code.

在 bash 中这个命令有效ssh user@host "find/remote/path/-name "pattern*" -mmin -15" >/local/path/last_files.txt

In bash this command works ssh user@host "find /remote/path/ -name "pattern*" -mmin -15" > /local/path/last_files.txt


在远程机器上运行命令的最佳选择是通过 ssh 和 paramiko.

Your best option for running commands on a remote machine is via ssh with paramiko.


A couple of examples of how to use the library and issue a command to the remote system:

import base64
import paramiko

# Let's assign an RSA SSH key to the 'key' variable
key = paramiko.RSAKey(data=base64.b64decode(b'AAA...'))

# And create a client instance.
client = paramiko.SSHClient()

# Create an object to store our key  
host_keys = client.get_host_keys()
# Add our key to 'host_keys'
host_keys.add('ssh.example.com', 'ssh-rsa', key)

# Connect to our client; you will need 
# to know/use for the remote account:
#   IP/Hostname of target
#   A username 
#   A password
client.connect('IP_HOSTNAME', username='THE_USER', password='THE_PASSWORD')

# Assign our input, output and error variables to
# to a command we will be issuing to the remote 
# system 
stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(
    'find /path/data/ -name "pattern*" -mmin -15'

# We iterate over stdout
for line in stdout:
    print('... ' + line.strip('

# And finally we close the connection to our client

正如 OP 所指出的,如果我们在本地已经有一个已知的 hosts 文件,我们可以做一些稍微不同的事情:

As pointed out by the OP, if we already have a known hosts file locally we can do things slightly different:

import base64
import paramiko

# And create a client instance.
client = paramiko.SSHClient()

# Create a 'host_keys' object and load
# our local known hosts  
host_keys = client.load_system_host_keys()

# Connect to our client; you will need 
# to know/use for the remote account:
#   IP/Hostname of target
#   A username 
#   A password
client.connect('IP_HOSTNAME', username='THE_USER', password='THE_PASSWORD')

# Assign our input, output and error variables to
# to a command we will be issuing to the remote 
# system 
stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(
    'find /path/data/ -name "pattern*" -mmin -15'

# We iterate over stdout
for line in stdout:
    print('... ' + line.strip('

# And finally we close the connection to our client
