如何在 OS X 上读取 Python 中的系统信息?

2022-01-11 00:00:00 python operating-system macos


根据这个与操作系统无关的问题,具体来说此回复,类似于可从点赞处获得的数据在 Linux 上的/proc/meminfo 中,如何使用 Python 从 OS X 读取系统信息(包括但不限于内存使用情况).

Following from this OS-agnostic question, specifically this response, similar to data available from the likes of /proc/meminfo on Linux, how can I read system information from OS X using Python (including, but not limited to memory usage).


唯一可以从平台模块中获得非常好的东西,但它非常有限(cpu、操作系统版本、架构等).对于 cpu 使用率和正常运行时间,我认为您必须将命令行实用程序uptime"和vm_stat"包装起来.

The only stuff that's really nicely accesible is available from the platform module, but it's extremely limited (cpu, os version, architecture, etc). For cpu usage and uptime I think you will have to wrap the command line utilities 'uptime' and 'vm_stat'.

我为 vm_stat 构建了一个,另一个由你决定;-)

I built you one for vm_stat, the other one is up to you ;-)

import os, sys

def memoryUsage():

    result = dict()

    for l in [l.split(':') for l in os.popen('vm_stat').readlines()[1:8]]:
        result[l[0].strip(' "').replace(' ', '_').lower()] = int(l[1].strip('.

    return result

print memoryUsage()
