如何在 Python 中返回系统信息?

2022-01-11 00:00:00 python operating-system


使用 Python,如何以通用方式返回 CPU 使用率、内存使用率(空闲、已用等)、进程计数等信息,以便在 Linux、Windows、BSD 等上运行相同的代码?

Using Python, how can information such as CPU usage, memory usage (free, used, etc), process count, etc be returned in a generic manner so that the same code can be run on Linux, Windows, BSD, etc?


Alternatively, how could this information be returned on all the above systems with the code specific to that OS being run only if that OS is indeed the operating environment?



Regarding cross-platform: your best bet is probably to write platform-specific code, and then import it conditionally. e.g.

import sys
if sys.platform == 'win32':
  import win32_sysinfo as sysinfo
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
  import mac_sysinfo as sysinfo
elif 'linux' in sys.platform:
  import linux_sysinfo as sysinfo

print 'Memory available:', sysinfo.memory_available()

对于特定资源,正如 Anthony 指出的,您可以在 linux 下访问 /proc.对于 Windows,您可以在 Microsoft Script存储库.我不知道在哪里可以获得有关 Mac 的此类信息,但我可以想到一个很棒的网站,您可以在其中询问:-)

For specific resources, as Anthony points out you can access /proc under linux. For Windows, you could have a poke around at the Microsoft Script Repository. I'm not sure where to get that kind of information on Macs, but I can think of a great website where you could ask :-)
