Spring Boot 2 实战:自定义启动运行逻辑

2020-05-28 00:00:00 优先级 多个 参数 接口 这两个

1. 前言

不知道你有没有接到这种需求,项目启动后立马执行一些逻辑。比如缓存预热,或者上线后的广播之类等等。可能现在没有但是将来会有的。想想你可能的操作, 写个接口上线我调一次行吗?NO!NO!NO!这种初级菜鸟才干的事。今天告诉你个骚操作使得你的代码更加优雅,逼格更高。

2. CommandLineRunner 接口

 package org.springframework.boot;
 import org.springframework.core.Ordered;
 import org.springframework.core.annotation.Order;
  * Interface used to indicate that a bean should <em>run</em> when it is contained within
  * a {@link SpringApplication}. Multiple {@link CommandLineRunner} beans can be defined
  * within the same application context and can be ordered using the {@link Ordered}
  * interface or {@link Order @Order} annotation.
  * <p>
  * If you need access to {@link ApplicationArguments} instead of the raw String array
  * consider using {@link ApplicationRunner}.
  * @author Dave Syer
  * @see ApplicationRunner
 public interface CommandLineRunner {
      * Callback used to run the bean.
      * @param args incoming main method arguments
      * @throws Exception on error
     void run(String... args) throws Exception;
