在 Anaconda 中安装 Plotly

2022-01-10 00:00:00 python conda plot anaconda


如何在 Anaconda 中安装 Plotly?

https://conda.anaconda.org/plotly 对 conda install -c https://说conda.anaconda.org/plotly <package>,和

https://plot.ly/python/user-guide/ 对 pip install 说情节.即,没有包装.

The https://plot.ly/python/user-guide/ says to pip install plotly. I.e., without package.

那么我应该在 Anaconda conda 中指定哪些包?


C:>conda install -c https://conda.anaconda.org/plotly
Error: too few arguments, must supply command line package specs or --file


如果你不在乎安装哪个版本的 Plotly,只需使用 pip.

If you don't care which version of Plotly you install, just use pip.

pip install plotly 是一种从 PyPi 安装 Plotly 最新稳定包的简单方法.

pip install plotly is an easy way to install the latest stable package for Plotly from PyPi.

pip 是一个有用的包和依赖管理工具,它使这些事情变得简单,但需要注意的是 Anaconda 的 conda 工具会做同样的事情.

pip is a useful package and dependency management tool, which makes these things easy, but it should be noted that Anaconda's conda tool will do the same thing.

pip 默认会安装到你的 Anaconda 安装位置.

pip will install to your Anaconda install location by default.


该链接将显示 conda 可以处理 pip 可以处理的所有内容以及更多内容,但是如果您不尝试指定包的版本,则需要安装,pip可以简洁很多.

The link will show that conda can handle everything pip can and more, but if you're not trying to specify the version of the package you need to install, pip can be much more concise.
