如何使用 Python 3.4(Windows 8)将 utf-8 打印到控制台?

2022-01-11 00:00:00 python unicode console utf-8 encoding


我正在尝试将 utf-8 卡片符号 (♠,♥,♦︎︎,♣) 从 python 模块打印到 Windows 控制台.我使用的控制台是 git bash,我使用 console2 作为前端.我已经尝试/阅读了以下多种方法,但到目前为止没有任何效果.

I'm trying to print utf-8 card symbols (♠,♥,♦︎︎,♣) from a python module to a windows console. The console that I'm using is git bash and I'm using console2 as a front-end. I've tried/read a number of approaches below and nothing has worked so far.

  • 确保控制台可以处理 utf-8 字符.这两个测试让我相信控制台不是问题.

  • Made sure the console can handle utf-8 characters. These two tests make me believe that the console isn't the problem.

从 python 模块尝试同样的事情.
当我执行 .py 时,这就是结果.

Attempt the same thing from the python module.
When I execute the .py, this is the result.

 UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character 'u2660' in position 0: character maps to <undefined>

  • 尝试编码♠.这给了我以 utf-8 编码的 unicode 集,但仍然没有黑桃符号.

  • Attempt to encode ♠. This gives me back the unicode set encoded in utf-8, but still no spade symbol.

     text = '♠'

  • 我觉得我错过了一个步骤或不了解整个编码/解码过程.我已阅读 this, this 和 这个.最后一页建议将 sys.stdout 包装到代码中,但 this 文章说使用标准输出是不必要的,并使用编解码器模块指向另一个页面.

    I feel like I'm missing a step or not understanding the whole encode/decode process. I've read this, this, and this. The last of the pages suggests wrapping the sys.stdout into the code but this article says using stdout is unnecessary and points to another page using the codecs module.


    我正在尝试将 utf-8 卡片符号(♠、♥、♦、♣)从 python 模块打印到 Windows 控制台

    What I'm trying to do is print utf-8 card symbols (♠,♥,♦,♣) from a python module to a windows console

    UTF-8 是 Unicode 字符的字节编码.♠♥♦♣ 是 Unicode 字符,可以以多种编码方式复制,而 UTF-8 是其中一种编码方式——作为 UTF,UTF-8 可以复制任何 Unicode 字符.但这些字符并没有什么特别的UTF-8".

    UTF-8 is a byte encoding of Unicode characters. ♠♥♦♣ are Unicode characters which can be reproduced in a variety of encodings and UTF-8 is one of those encodings—as a UTF, UTF-8 can reproduce any Unicode character. But there is nothing specifically "UTF-8" about those characters.

    可以重现字符 ♠♥♦♣ 的其他编码是 Windows 代码页 850 和 437,您的控制台很可能在西欧安装的 Windows 下使用.您可以在这些编码中打印 ♠,但您没有使用 UTF-8 来执行此操作,并且您将无法使用 UTF-8 中可用但超出这些代码页范围的其他 Unicode 字符.

    Other encodings that can reproduce the characters ♠♥♦♣ are Windows code page 850 and 437, which your console is likely to be using under a Western European install of Windows. You can print ♠ in these encodings but you are not using UTF-8 to do so, and you won't be able to use other Unicode characters that are available in UTF-8 but outside the scope of these code pages.

    UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character 'u2660'

    在 Python 3 中,这与您在上面所做的 print('♠') 测试相同,因此您调用包含此 print,与您的 py -3.4 相比.sys.stdout.encoding 从脚本中给你什么?

    In Python 3 this is the same as the print('♠') test you did above, so there is something different about how you are invoking the script containing this print, compared to your py -3.4. What does sys.stdout.encoding give you from the script?

    要使 print 正常工作,您必须确保 Python 选择正确的编码.如果从终端设置中没有充分做到这一点,您确实必须将 PYTHONIOENCODING 设置为 cp437.

    To get print working correctly you would have to make sure Python picks up the right encoding. If it is not doing that adequately from the terminal settings you would indeed have to set PYTHONIOENCODING to cp437.

    >>> text = '♠'
    >>> print(text.encode('utf-8'))

    print 只能打印 Unicode 字符串.对于其他类型,包括 encode() 方法产生的 bytes 字符串,它获取对象的文字表示 (repr).b'xe2x99xa0' 是您编写包含 UTF-8 编码的 ♠ 的 Python 3 字节文字的方式.

    print can only print Unicode strings. For other types including the bytes string that results from the encode() method, it gets the literal representation (repr) of the object. b'xe2x99xa0' is how you would write a Python 3 bytes literal containing a UTF-8 encoded ♠.

    如果您想要绕过 print 的隐式编码为 PYTHONIOENCODING 并替换您自己的,您可以明确地这样做:

    If what you want to do is bypass print's implicit encoding to PYTHONIOENCODING and substitute your own, you can do that explicitly:

    >>> import sys
    >>> sys.stdout.buffer.write('♠'.encode('cp437'))

    这当然会为未运行代码页 437 的任何控制台生成错误输出(例如,非西欧安装).通常,对于使用 C 标准输入输出的应用程序,如 Python 那样,将非 ASCII 字符发送到 Windows 控制台实在是太不可靠了.

    This will of course generate wrong output for any consoles not running code page 437 (eg non-Western-European installs). Generally, for apps using the C stdio, like Python does, getting non-ASCII characters to the Windows console is just too unreliable to bother with.
