通过 conda 安装软件包时,奇怪的重复序列打印到控制台

2022-01-10 00:00:00 python conda pip anaconda


C:UsersLenovo>conda info
Current conda install:

           platform : win-64
      conda version : 4.3.8
   conda is private : False
  conda-env version : 4.3.8
conda-build version : 1.21.3
     python version : 3.5.2.final.0
   requests version : 2.12.4
   root environment : C:Anaconda3  (writable)
default environment : C:Anaconda3
   envs directories : C:Anaconda3envs
      package cache : C:Anaconda3pkgs
       channel URLs : https://repo.continuum.io/pkgs/free/win-64
        config file : None
       offline mode : False
         user-agent : conda/4.3.8 requests/2.12.4 CPython/3.5.2 Windows/7 Windows/6.1.7601

最近在通过 conda 安装或更新包后,有时甚至 pip 时,以下序列被打印到控制台:

Recently when after installing or updating packages through conda and sometimes even pip the following sequence is printed to the console:

extern "Python": function Cryptography_locking_cb() called, but @ffi.def_extern(
) was not called in the current subinterpreter.  Returning 0.
extern "Python": function Cryptography_locking_cb() called, but @ffi.def_extern(
) was not called in the current subinterpreter.  Returning 0.
extern "Python": function Cryptography_locking_cb() called, but @ffi.def_extern(
) was not called in the current subinterpreter.  Returning 0.
extern "Python": function Cryptography_locking_cb() called, but @ffi.def_extern(
) was not called in the current subinterpreter.  Returning 0.
... # keeps repeating

我无法告诉你重复了多少次我正在运行控制台 2,并且命令历史记录在我的 300 行之后被切断.如果需要,我可以将整个内容打印到文本文件中,但我想我会先问.有谁知道这是什么或如何解决它?

I couldn't tell you how many times this is repeated I'm running console2 and the the command history gets cut off after my 300 lines. I could print the whole thing to a text file if needed but I thought I'd ask first. Does anybody know what this is or how to fix it?


根据这篇文章,您可以使用 pip 升级到 Cryptography 1.7:

According to this post, you may upgrade to Cryptography 1.7 with pip:

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install cryptography>=1.7 --upgrade
