如何在 Spyder 4 中禁用关键字/文本建议?

2022-01-10 00:00:00 python spyder anaconda




It appears almost every time I type anything, and it's kind of getting in the way.

我在设置中禁用了代码完成,并卸载了 Kite,并禁用了 Jedi.有什么想法吗?

I have disabled code completion in the settings, and uninstalled Kite, and disabled Jedi. Any ideas?


(这里是 Spyder 维护者) 要在 Spyder 5 中禁用这些补全(称为后备补全),您需要转到

(Spyder maintainer here) To disable those completions (called fallback completions) in Spyder 5, you need to go to

工具 >偏好>完成和 Linting >通用

并停用名为Enable Fallback provider的选项.

对于 Spyder 4,请转到

For Spyder 4, please go to

工具 >偏好>完成和 Linting >进阶

并停用名为 Enable fallback completions 的选项.

and deactivate the option called Enable fallback completions.
