无法更新到 Anaconda Navigator 1.10.0 (MacOS)

2022-01-10 00:00:00 python anaconda


我的 Anaconda Navigator (v1.9.12) 一直提示我升级到 1.10.0.唯一的问题是,当我单击是"时在更新提示(应该关闭导航器并更新它)上,没有任何反应.

My Anaconda Navigator (v1.9.12) has been prompting me to upgrade to 1.10.0. Only problem is, when I click "yes" on the update prompt (which should close the navigator and update it), nothing happens.


conda 更新 anaconda-navigator

conda update anaconda-navigator

在终端中.无济于事(是的,我在线阅读了文档并事先运行了conda deactivate"),与

in the terminal. To no avail (and yes, I read the doc online and ran "conda deactivate" beforehand), same with

conda install anaconda-navigator=1.10

conda install anaconda-navigator=1.10

两者都运行了一段时间,但桌面导航器仍在旧版本上.需要注意的一件事:寻找不兼容的软件包 行花费的时间太长(几个小时没有显着进展),所以我 ctrl-c 退出了.但是我再次运行了这些命令,它们设法完成了运行.

Both ran for a while, but the desktop navigator is still on the old version. One thing to note: the Looking for incompatible packages line was taking way too long (hours with no notable progress), so I ctrl-c'ed out. But I ran these commands again they managed to finish running.


Now I'm out of ideas, would anyone know what I can do to go through with the update? Thanks a lot!


我遇到了完全相同的问题(macOS 上的 Navigator 版本相同).我想我已经花了几个小时的所有可能的解决方案,但没有任何帮助.

I am having completely the same issue (same Navigator version on macOS). I think I have spent several hours of all possible solution and nothing helped.


The only solution that worked was to uninstall and install again. The environment setup remains the same so there is nothing to lose (but still it is strange thought)

我正在关注这个问题的答案:如何卸载Anaconda 完全来自 macOS

I was following the process from the answer from this question: How to uninstall Anaconda completely from macOS
