在 Anaconda 上升级到 scikit-learn 的开发版?

2022-01-10 00:00:00 python scikit-learn anaconda upgrade


我正在通过 Anaconda 使用 python,并且想使用一个新功能(http://scikit-learn.org/dev/modules/neural_networks_supervised.html)在 scikit-learn 中,目前仅在开发版本 0.18.dev0 中可用.

I'm using python through Anaconda, and would like to use a new feature (http://scikit-learn.org/dev/modules/neural_networks_supervised.html) in scikit-learn that's currently only available in the development version 0.18.dev0.

但是,执行经典的 conda update 似乎不起作用,因为 conda 没有列出任何开发包.将开发版本安装到我的 Anaconda 中的最简单方法是什么?(无论如何,我使用的是 64 位 Windows 7.)

However, doing the classical conda update doesn't seem to work, as conda doesn't list any dev packages. What would be the simplest way to install a development version into my Anaconda? (For what it's worth, I'm using 64-bit windows 7.)


如果有人为包构建并提供了可用的二进制文件,则只能使用 conda 安装包.一些包发布允许这样做的每晚构建,但 scikit-learn 不是其中之一.

You can only use conda to install a package if someone has built and made available binaries for the package. Some packages publish nightly builds that would allow this, but scikit-learn is not one of them.

要在一个命令中安装最新版本,您可以使用 pip;例如:

To install the bleeding-edge version in one command, you could use pip; e.g.:

$ conda install pip
$ pip install git+git://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn.git

但请记住,这需要编译库中的所有 C 扩展,因此如果您的系统没有为此设置,它将失败.

but keep in mind that this requires compiling all the C extensions within the library, and so it will fail if your system is not set up for that.
