Windows:Anaconda 'python' 未被识别为 CMD 上的内部或外部命令
这开始变得更糟了.尝试在命令行上运行 python 时,我收到典型的python"不被识别为内部或外部命令...消息.这是一个常见问题,我发现很多帖子都说通过在我的 Windows 路径中添加 python 文件夹 (C:UsersftakeAnaconda3
) 来修复它(之后重新启动我的电脑)但是没有什么对我有用.问题是我已经在我的计算机上安装了 Anaconda 1.8.2,当尝试在 CMD 上运行 python 时,出现一条错误消息,提示 python 未被识别为内部...
This is starting to get aggravating. I'm getting the typical 'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command... message when trying to run python on the command line. This is a common issue, and I've found plenty of posts saying to fix it by adding python folder (C:UsersftakeAnaconda3
) my Windows path (restarted my PC after that) but nothing worked for me. The problem is that I've already Anaconda 1.8.2 installed on my computer and when trying to run python on CMD an error message occurs saying that python is not recognized as an internal...
我尝试使用 pip 安装 pyinstaller
(或任何其他 Python 包),但出现一条消息pip"未被识别为内部或外部命令...即使在尝试(在 CMD 上)运行以下命令来创建虚拟环境时:virtualenv --python=python3.6.3 <env-name>
I've tried to install pyinstaller
(or any other Python packages) using pip, a message occurs too 'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command...
Even though when trying to run (on CMD) the following command to create a virtual environment: virtualenv --python=python3.6.3 <env-name>
我正在使用:操作系统:Windows 10 专业版.蟒蛇版本:1.8.2
I'm using: OS: Windows 10 Pro. Anaconda Version: 1.8.2
You probably haven't added it to your environment variables, here how you do it:
Go to "Edit the system environment variables" inside of control panel (you can search for it to using the search thing).
Once you are there make sure you are in the advanced section.
Click "Environment variables". In the section that says "System variables" search for something named "Path".
If path is not there, simply create it by clicking "New" in the part that says system variables.
完成后,选择路径"并单击编辑,现在找到您安装 Anaconda 的路径(即 C:UsersftakeAnaconda3)并将其添加到路径".
Once you got that done, select "Path" and click edit, now find the path that you installed Anaconda in (i.e C:UsersftakeAnaconda3) and add it to the "Path".
完成后尝试再次使用 python 命令,它应该可以工作.
Once you got that done try using the python command again and it should work.
If I was unclear about something, you can follow this as well:
我知道它适用于 java,但它的工作方式与 python 完全相同.
I know it's for java but it works the exact same way for python.
同样对于 pip 它实际上是相同的,只需将 Scripts 添加到路径的末尾
Also for pip it's literally the same thing just add Scripts to the end of the path