如何在 Anaconda python 发行版中安装 Rodeo IDE?

2022-01-10 00:00:00 python python-3.x ipython anaconda rodeo


我有一个 64 位 anaconda python 发行版 2.3,在 windows 7 机器上安装了 python 3.4.3.我搜索了有关在此之上安装圈地的信息,但似乎conda install rodeo"不起作用,所以我做了pip install rodeo".

I have a 64bit anaconda python distribution version 2.3 with python 3.4.3 installed on windows 7 machine. I searched about installing rodeo on top of this but seems like "conda install rodeo" wont work, so i did "pip install rodeo".

"pip install rodeo" gave me the following message "Successfully installed rodeo".

但是当我在 cmd 中输入 rodeo 来启动 rodeo 时,它会给出一个错误提示

But when i type rodeo in cmd to start rodeo it is giving an error saying

"failed to create process." 


& i am not able to start rodeo.




Yhat 最近发布了 Rodeo 的原生桌面版本.它会比网页版更好.这可以通过从下面提到的他们的网站下载安装程序来轻松安装.

Yhat has released a native desktop version of Rodeo recently. It will be better than the web version. This can be easily installed by downloading the installable from their website mentioned below.

