Anaconda 安装 TensorFlow 1.15 而不是 2.0

2022-01-10 00:00:00 python tensorflow anaconda


我一直在尝试在 Anaconda 中安装 Tensorflow 2.0.

到目前为止,tensorflow 工作正常(我可以在我的代码中使用该库),但是当我安装它时,它显示正在安装版本:2.0",然后我得到了 1.15 版本.

整个包的结果是可更新的(因为版本 2.0 确实存在并且应该可用),但即使我尝试更新它,我也会不断得到 1.15,它又回到了可更新状态,然后我又回到了循环中.

我尝试了从 Anaconda Navigator 界面和使用 conda update tensorflow 的提示,但没有任何成功.



.如 tf.keras 更可取,开发将继续进行2.3.0" rel="nofollow noreferrer">F.肖莱特

  • 还要注意 tf.python.keras
  • I've been trying to install Tensorflow 2.0 in Anaconda.

    So far, tensorflow works fine (i can use the library in my code), but when i'm installing it, it says "installing version: 2.0", then i get version 1.15 instead.

    The whole package results updatable (since versione 2.0 does exist and should be available), but even if i try to update it, i keep getting 1.15, which gets back to updatable, and i get back into the loop.

    I tried both from the Anaconda Navigator interface and the prompt using conda update tensorflow, without any success.

    Here's there is the link package: tensorflow 2.0 Anaconda

    How can i solve the problem?

    EDIT :

    I successfully installed TensorFlow 2.0 using conda install -c anaconda tensorflow. Then i got back into Anaconda Navigator and i tried to install Keras 2.2.4.

    Looking at the installed packages, seems that installing Keras overwrites the version 2.0 of TensorFlow with the 1.15, am i wrong? Is this a bug?

    Here's the image:


    conda install -c anaconda tensorflow-gpu


    conda install -c anaconda tensorflow

    Look for these:

    Tip: completely shred any file w/ name substring "keras" and "tensorflow" in your Anaconda environment before installing - else stuff is likely to break.

    1. Navigate to your site-packages
    2. Search **keras** --> delete all results
    3. Search **tensorflow** --> delete all results

    Above should work even better from the environment's root folder (e.g. envs/tf2_env) -- the idea is, Anaconda caches whatever it's already installed, so if it isn't completely removed, you may find trouble getting latest vers of packages.

    Related Q's answered in comments:

    1. Why is conda reverting TF 2 to TF 1.15.0 when I try installing Keras 2.2.4?

      • TF2's only compatible w/ Keras 2.2.5+, so conda is taking care of compatibility
    2. Why are some from keras imports no longer working and need from tensorflow.keras?

      • from keras is very different from from tensorflow.keras, implementation-wise. from keras is backend-neutral, whereas tf.keras is more tightly integrated w/ TF. There can also be significant performance differences. TF2 and onward, tf.keras is preferable, and development will proceed along it, as noted by F. Chollet
      • Also beware of tf.python.keras
