Anaconda 没有创造完整的环境

2022-01-10 00:00:00 python conda anaconda


我正在尝试使用 git-bash 和 win10 创建一个 conda 环境.我跑了:

I'm trying to create a conda environment using git-bash and win10. I ran:

$ conda create --name my_env


The result looks like the screenshot above.


Looking at other environments , I can see they normally look like:


How can I fix this?


要使用 Python 可执行文件创建环境,请使用以下之一:

To create the environment with the Python executable, use one of:

conda create --name my_env python  # latest available python version
conda create --name my_env python=3.7  # specific python version

如果不指定包,即如上所述的 python,conda 根本不会在 my_env 环境中安装任何东西.

Without specifying packages, i.e. python as above, conda just doesn't install anything at all in my_env environment.

您也可以在创建环境后安装 Python 解释器.有关可安装 Python 版本的列表,请运行 conda search "^python$".

You can alternatively install the Python interpreter after environment creation. For a list of installable Python versions, run conda search "^python$".

conda install python  # latest available python version
conda install python=3.7  # specific python version
