Anaconda 站点包

2022-01-10 00:00:00 python python-2.7 pip anaconda


在 anaconda 环境中安装包后,我想对该包中的代码进行一些更改.

After installing a package in an anaconda environment, I'll like to make some changes to the code in that package.

在哪里可以找到包含已安装软件包的 site-packages 目录?我没有找到目录 /Users/username/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages

Where can I find the site-packages directory containing the installed packages? I do not find a directory /Users/username/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages


您可以导入模块并检查 module.__file__ 字符串.它包含相关源文件的路径.

You can import the module and check the module.__file__ string. It contains the path to the associated source file.

或者,您可以阅读模块文档中的 File 标记,可以使用 help(module)module? 在 IPython 中.

Alternatively, you can read the File tag in the the module documentation, which can be accessed using help(module), or module? in IPython.
