Can Goods Be Put Into Redis(商品能放到redis中吗)

2023-05-17 03:58:59 put 商品 放到

Redis is an open source data structure server that stores data in memory instead of persistent storage on disk. It provides a wide range of data structures to meet different data storage needs. So, can goods be put into Redis?

The answer is yes. We can put goods into Redis with a few lines of code. Your code should involve keys and values, because goods are stored in Redis as key-value prs. Keys are pln strings composed of characters, while values can have many types, such as strings, numbers, floats, booleans, lists, sets, and hashes.

For example, you can store a goods record in hash type with goods key. You can put data like price, name, category and description into the hash with HSET command in Redis. Here is a piece of code example:

HSET goods:001 name "iPhone 11"
HSET goods:001 price "999"
HSET goods:001 category "Mobile phone"
HSET goods:001 description "The latest iPhone 11 with 6.1-inch liquid Retina display."

Besides, if you want to get the goods data, you can use HGET command.

HGET goods:001 name

For the list and set data type, if use the goods category as the key. You can write code like this to store category data in list or set.

LPUSH category:MobilePhone "iPhone 11"
SADD category:MobilePhone "iPhone 11"

Note that if you need to store a large number of goods data, Redis can handle it. Redis can support up to 481 billion keys or up to 4GB of data per key.

In summary, it is possible to put goods into Redis with a few lines of code. It’s convenient to handle goods data store and retrieval in Redis. But remember that data in Redis are volatile, so when you store goods data in Redis, please remember to backup the data regularly.
