Anaconda 已安装但无法启动 Navigator


Anaconda(列为Python 3.6.0 (Anaconda 4.3.1 64 bit)")在我的程序和功能列表中,但似乎没有 Anaconda Navigator 桌面应用程序,因为它们似乎没有图标在我的桌面上,我无法通过开始"搜索它.这可能是因为我下载了 32 位版本的 Anaconda 并且我有一个 64 位操作系统(我认为我应该这样做,因为我计算机上的 Python 是 64 位)或者因为我在用户"下下载了 Anaconda 而不是桌面.我还下载了 Anaconda 两次,如果这可能会导致一些问题.我有一台 Windows 10 笔记本电脑,如果有帮助的话.

Anaconda (listed as "Python 3.6.0 (Anaconda 4.3.1 64 bit)" ) is in my programs and features list, but there is seeming no Anaconda Navigator desktop app, as their seems to be no icon on my desktop and I am unable to search for it through "Start". Could this be because I have the 32-bit version of Anaconda downloaded and I have a 64-bit OS (I thought I should do this because Python on my computer was 64-bit) or because I downloaded Anaconda under "users" instead of Desktop. I also downloaded Anaconda twice, if that could be causing some of the problem. I have a Windows 10 laptop, if that is any help.



source ~/anaconda3/bin/activate root
