Conda 和 Visual Studio 代码调试


目标是能够在 Visual Studio 代码调试器中使用我从 Conda/Anaconda 设置的环境.默认的 pythonpath 配置不会产生这种效果 - 而是转到系统默认的 python 路径(当你在新的 shell 中键入 'python' 时得到的).

The goal is to be able to use my environment setup from Conda/Anaconda within the visual studio code debugger. The default pythonpath configuration does not produce this effect - rather it goes to the system default python path (what you get when you type 'python' in a fresh shell).

如何配置 VS Code 以使用我的 Conda 环境?



I found a better solution, based on the previous ones:

转到工作场所设置.使用包含虚拟环境列表的文件夹路径覆盖参数 python.venvPath.对于 anaconda 的情况:

Go to Workplace Settings. Override the parameter python.venvPath with the Path to folder with a list of Virtual Environments. For the case of anaconda:

此设置使 VS Code 能够识别可用的 conda 环境.因此,我们可以点击当前的python解释器并切换到其他的:

This setting enables VS Code to recognize the available conda environments. Thus, we can click on the current python interpreter and switch to others:
