Jupyter Notebook 打开但看不到任何内容

2022-01-10 00:00:00 python jupyter anaconda prompt


Jupyter Notebook 会话截图:

Screenshot of Jupyter Notebook Session:

我正在尝试使用 anaconda 提示符启动 Jupyter 笔记本.浏览器会话打开,但页面上看不到任何内容.

I am trying to launch a Jupyter notebook using anaconda prompt. The browser session opens but no contents are visible on the page.


Does anyone have any idea how to mitigate this?

Anaconda 提示截图:

Screenshot of Anaconda Prompt:


请参考https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/issues/4467我遇到类似的麻烦.所以我只做3个步骤:(1)卸载Jupyter Notebook 5.7.6conda 卸载笔记本(2) 安装旧版本康达安装笔记本=5.7.4(3) 启动 Jupyter Notebook 5.7.4 后按 CTRL+R 或 CTRL+Shift+R 清除缓存然后 Jupyter Notebook 现在可以正常工作了.希望对你有帮助.

Please refer to https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/issues/4467 I encounter similar trouble. So I just do 3 steps: (1) uninstall Jupyter Notebook 5.7.6 conda uninstall notebook (2) install old version conda install notebook=5.7.4 (3) After lauching Jupyter Notebook 5.7.4 Press CTRL+R or CTRL+Shift+R to clear the cache Then Jupyter Notebook works normally now. Hope it's helpful to you.
