如何安装“R-essentials"中不可用的 R 包?

2022-01-10 00:00:00 python conda r anaconda


我使用开箱即用的 Anaconda 安装来使用 Python.现在我已经读到,也可以在此安装中包含"R 世界,并在 Jupyter/Ipython 笔记本中使用 IR 内核.

I use an out-of-the-box Anaconda installation to work with Python. Now I have read that it is possible to also "include" the R world within this installation and to use the IR kernel within the Jupyter/Ipython notebook.

我找到了安装许多著名 R 包的命令:conda install -c r r-essentials

I found the command to install a number of famous R packages: conda install -c r r-essentials


如何安装 R-essential 包中未包含的 R 包?例如 CRAN 上可用的 R 包.pip"仅适用于 PyPI Python 包,不是吗?

How do I install R packages that are not included in the R-essential package? For example R packages that are available on CRAN. "pip" works only for PyPI Python packages, doesn't it?



这是解释如何生成仅在 CRAN 存储库中可用的 R 包的文档:https://www.continuum.io/content/conda-data-science

This is the documentation that explains how to generate R packages that are only available in the CRAN repository: https://www.continuum.io/content/conda-data-science

转到构建 conda R 包"部分.

Go to the section "Building a conda R package".

(提示:只要 R 包在 anaconda.org 下可用,请使用此资源.请参阅此处:https://www.continuum.io/blog/developer/jupyter-and-conda-r)

(Hint: As long as the R package is available under anaconda.org use this resource. See here: https://www.continuum.io/blog/developer/jupyter-and-conda-r)

alistaire 的回答是添加 R 包的另一种可能性:

alistaire's answer is another possibility to add R packages:

如果您通过常规 install.packages(来自 CRAN 镜像)或 devtools::install_github(来自 GitHub)从 R 内部安装包,它们可以正常工作.@alistaire

If you install packages from inside of R via the regular install.packages (from CRAN mirrors), or devtools::install_github (from GitHub), they work fine. @alistaire

如何做到这一点:打开你的(独立的)R 安装,然后运行以下命令:

How to do this: Open your (independent) R installation, then run the following command:

install.packages("png", "/home/user/anaconda3/lib/R/library")

将新包添加到 Jupyter 使用的正确 R 库中,否则该包将安装在 中提到的/home/user/R/i686-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.2/png/libs 中.libPaths() .

to add new package to the correct R library used by Jupyter, otherwise the package will be installed in /home/user/R/i686-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.2/png/libs mentioned in .libPaths() .
