Anaconda Navigator 无法启动(Windows 10)

2022-01-10 00:00:00 python spyder anaconda


Anaconda 导航器无法启动,我尝试重新安装它,但也没有用.anancondas 的命令提示符显示错误消息.我试过用谷歌搜索答案,我想我不擅长.[这是我打开anaconda提示后看到的]

Anaconda navigator won't launch, I tried reinstalling it, that did not work either. anancondas' command prompt shows an error message. I've tried googling the answer, I guess I'm bad at it. [this is what I see after opening anaconda prompt]

附言我在上面使用了 spyder

p.s. I use spyder on it


您需要从安装了 Anaconda 父文件夹的 Anaconda 脚本目录 运行 cmd 提示符.我碰巧在我的 Windows 机器上的 C 驱动器的根目录中.如果您不熟悉,有两种方法可以做到这一点:

You need to run the cmd prompt from the Scripts directory of Anaconda where ever you have the Anaconda parent folder installed. I happen to have in the root directory of the C drive on my Windows machine. If you are not familiar there are two ways to do that:

A) 使用组合键 Win-key + R 然后键入 cmd 并按回车键启动终端窗口,然后键入:cd C:AnacondaScripts(或您的任何目录路径).

B) 使用 Windows 资源管理器导航到该 Scripts 目录,然后在该窗口的地址栏中键入 cmd 并按回车键(这将启动终端已设置到该目录).

A) Use the key combination Win-key + R then type cmd and hit return to launch the terminal window and then type: cd C:AnacondaScripts (or whatever directory path yours is).

B) Navigate using windows explorer to that Scripts directory then type cmd in the address bar of that window and hit return (that will launch the terminal already set to that directory).


Next type the follow commands waiting in between for each to complete:

activate root
conda update -n root conda
conda update --all

完成后输入以下内容,Navigator 应该会启动:

When complete type the following and Navigator hopefully should launch:

