带有 Python 3.5 的 Anaconda 版本

2022-01-10 00:00:00 python anaconda


我想使用 anaconda 安装带有 python 3.5 的 tensorflow,但我不知道哪个 anaconda 版本有 python 3.5.当我进入 anaconda 下载页面时,会看到 Anaconda 4.3.1,它具有 python 3.6 或 2.7 版本

I want to install tensorflow with python 3.5 using anaconda but I don't know which anaconda version has python 3.5. When I go to anaconda download page am presented with Anaconda 4.3.1 which has either version 3.6 or 2.7 of python


您可以安装任何当前版本的 Anaconda.然后,您可以从文档

You can install any current version of Anaconda. You can then make a conda environment with your particular needs from the documentation

conda create -n tensorflowproject python=3.5 tensorflow ipython

这个命令有一个特定的 python 版本,当这个 tensorflowproject 环境更新时,它将升级到 Python 3.5999999999 但永远不会升级到 3.6 .然后您使用任一切换到您的环境

This command has a specific version for python and when this tensorflowproject environment gets updated it will upgrade to Python 3.5999999999 but never go to 3.6 . Then you switch to your environment using either

source activate tensorflowproject

适用于 linux/mac 或

for linux/mac or

activate tensorflowproject

