Distributed Redis synchronization is mnly used in distributed systems. The whole process of synchronization mnly has five steps, including Data acquisition, transfer, comparison, getting the latest generation, synchronization. This article will analyze the principle of distributed Redis synchronization from a deeper level.
First,Data acquisition, is mnly to access the different versions of data recorded on different weight nodes in the source. During the process, the source node will receive the request and run the read command on the Redis. After the data is obtned, it will be sent out through the socket layer of the source node. After tranmission of the data, the destination node will come back to notify the source node about the status. The source node will then proceed to the next step.
Then is data transfer. During this process, the source node will send the data to the destination node through Socket communication. On receiving the data, the destination node will save the received data in a temporary file or in a cache, depending on the situation. After receiving the data, the data will be sent back to the source node, and the source node will proceed to the comparison step.
Third, compares data. During this process, the source node will go through a comparison between the data received from the destination node and the data from the source node. If the two data sets are the same, then that means that the synchronization is successful, and the source node will then move on to the next step. If the two data sets are different, the source node will fetch the latest version of the data from the source node, and send it to the destination node.
Fourth, get the latest version of Redis data. During this process, the source node will go to the source node and ask it for the latest version of the data. After fetching the data, the source node will then proceed to the synchronization process.
Finally, synchronize the data. During this process, the source node will send the latest version of the data to the destination node. On receiving the data, the destination node will save the latest version of the data in its local database. After the synchronization is complete, the destination node will acknowledge the source node about the status.
To sum up, it can be seen that the principle of distributed Redis synchronization is quite complex. It requires a series of steps, from data acquisition to data comparison and finally, the synchronization. Through the above analysis of the principle of distributed Redis synchronization from a deeper level, it can be seen that it is a highly efficient and reliable process.