如何在 anaconda 上更新 spyder

2022-01-10 00:00:00 python python-2.7 spyder anaconda


我安装了 Anaconda(Python 2.7.11 |Anaconda 自定义(64 位)|(默认,2016 年 2 月 16 日,09:58:36)[MSC v.1500 64 位 (AMD64)] 在 win32 上)并且我我正在使用 Spyder 2.3.8

I have Anaconda installed (Python 2.7.11 |Anaconda custom (64-bit)| (default, Feb 16 2016, 09:58:36) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32) and I am using Spyder 2.3.8

想将 Spyder 更新到最新版本,所以我通过了命令:

Would like to update Spyder to the latest version, so I went through the commands:

conda update conda
conda update anaconda
conda update spyder

它们都运行没有错误,但 spyder 版本没有改变 - 这是我用来启动的命令:

They all ran without errors, but the spyder version didn't change - this is command I'm using to launch:

C:Anaconda2pythonw.exe C:Anaconda2cwp.py C:Anaconda2 "C:/Anaconda2/pythonw.exe" "C:/Anaconda2/Scripts/spyder-script.py" --new-实例

C:Anaconda2pythonw.exe C:Anaconda2cwp.py C:Anaconda2 "C:/Anaconda2/pythonw.exe" "C:/Anaconda2/Scripts/spyder-script.py" --new-instance




如果要在root环境下更新Spyder,那么conda update spyder对我有用.

If you want to update Spyder in the root environment, then conda update spyder works for me.

如果你想为你创建的虚拟环境更新 Spyder(例如,为不同版本的 Python),那么 conda update -n $ENV_NAME spyder where $ENV_NAME 是您的环境名称.

If you want to update Spyder for a virtual environment you have created (e.g., for a different version of Python), then conda update -n $ENV_NAME spyder where $ENV_NAME is your environment name.

如果 conda update spyder 不起作用,this post 表明您可能需要在更新 spyder 之前运行 conda update anaconda.另请注意,您可以根据需要指定确切的 spyder 版本.

In case conda update spyder isn't working, this post indicates you might need to run conda update anaconda before updating spyder. Also note that you can specify an exact spyder version if you want.
