'Conda' 未被识别为内部或外部命令

2022-01-10 00:00:00 python conda data-science anaconda


我在我的 Windows 7 Professional 机器上安装了 Anaconda3 4.4.0(32 位),并在 Jupyter 笔记本上导入了 NumPy 和 Pandas,所以我假设 Python 安装正确.但是当我在命令提示符下键入 conda listconda --version 时,它说 conda is not Recognized as internal or external command.

I installed Anaconda3 4.4.0 (32 bit) on my Windows 7 Professional machine and imported NumPy and Pandas on Jupyter notebook so I assume Python was installed correctly. But when I type conda list and conda --version in command prompt, it says conda is not recognized as internal or external command.

我已经为 Anaconda3 设置了环境变量;变量名:路径变量值:C:Usersdipanwita.neogyAnaconda3

I have set environment variable for Anaconda3; Variable Name: Path, Variable Value: C:Usersdipanwita.neogyAnaconda3



虽然其他人为您提供了一个很好的解决方案,但我认为指出真正发生的事情是有帮助的.根据 Anaconda 4.4 更新日志,https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/reference/release-notes/#what-s-new-in-anaconda-4-4:

Although you were offered a good solution by others I think it is helpful to point out what is really happening. As per the Anaconda 4.4 changelog, https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/reference/release-notes/#what-s-new-in-anaconda-4-4:

在 Windows 上,PATH 环境变量默认不再更改,因为这可能会导致其他软件出现问题.当您希望使用 Anaconda 软件时,推荐的方法是使用 Anaconda Navigator 或 Anaconda 命令提示符(位于Anaconda"下的开始菜单中).

On Windows, the PATH environment variable is no longer changed by default, as this can cause trouble with other software. The recommended approach is to instead use Anaconda Navigator or the Anaconda Command Prompt (located in the Start Menu under "Anaconda") when you wish to use Anaconda software.

(注意:最近的Win 10不假设你有安装或更新的权限.如果命令失败,右键单击Anaconda命令提示符,选择更多",选择以管理员身份运行")

(Note: recent Win 10 does not assume you have privileges to install or update. If the command fails, right-click on the Anaconda Command Prompt, choose "More", chose "Run as administrator")

这是对以前安装的更改.建议使用 Navigator 或 Anaconda Prompt,尽管您也可以随时将其添加到 PATH 中.在安装过程中,将 Anaconda 添加到 PATH 的框现在未选中,但您可以选择它.

This is a change from previous installations. It is suggested to use Navigator or the Anaconda Prompt although you can always add it to your PATH as well. During the install the box to add Anaconda to the PATH is now unchecked but you can select it.
