
2022-01-10 00:00:00 python iterator


我有两个文件,我想对它们执行一些逐行操作.(换句话说,每个文件的第一行是对应的,第二行也是如此,等等.)现在,我可以想到一些稍微麻烦的方法来同时遍历两个文件.然而,这是 Python,所以我想有一些语法简写.

I have two files, and I want to perform some line-wise operation across both of them. (In other words, the first lines of each file correspond, as do the second, etc.) Now, I can think of a number of slightly cumbersome ways to iterate across both files simultaneously; however, this is Python, so I imagine that there is some syntactic shorthand.


In other words, is there some simple way to adapt the

for line in file:


so that it pulls data from both files simultaneously?


Python 2:

使用 itertools.izip 加入两个迭代器.

Use itertools.izip to join the two iterators.

from itertools import izip
for line_from_file_1, line_from_file_2 in izip(open(file_1), open(file_2)):

如果文件长度不等,请使用 izip_longest.

If the files are of unequal length, use izip_longest.

在 Python 3 中,请改用 zipzip_longest.此外,使用 with 打开文件,这样即使出现错误,也会自动处理关闭.

In Python 3, use zip and zip_longest instead. Also, use a with to open files, so that closing is handled automatically even in case of errors.

with open(file1name) as file1, open(file2name) as file2:
    for line1, line2 in zip(file1, file2):
        #do stuff
