用 pandas 为excel中的单元格着色

2022-01-10 00:00:00 python pandas excel duplicates highlight



I need some help here. So i have something like this

import pandas as pd
path = '/Users/arronteb/Desktop/excel/ejemplo.xlsx'
xlsx = pd.ExcelFile(path)
df = pd.read_excel(xlsx,'Sheet1')
df['is_duplicated'] = df.duplicated('#CSR')
df_nodup = df.loc[df['is_duplicated'] == False]
df_nodup.to_excel('ejemplo.xlsx', encoding='utf-8')

所以基本上这个程序将 ejemlo.xlsx (ejemlo 是西班牙语的例子,只是文件名)加载到 df (一个 DataFrame),然后检查特定列中的重复值 .它会删除重复项并再次保存文件.那部分工作正常.问题是,我需要用不同的颜色(如黄色)突出显示包含重复项的单元格,而不是删除重复项.

So basically this program load the ejemplo.xlsx (ejemplo is example in Spanish, just the name of the file) into df (a DataFrame), then checks for duplicate values in a specific column​​. It deletes the duplicates and saves the file again. That part works correctly. The problem is that instead of removing duplicates, I need highlight the cells containing them with a different color, like yellow.



You can create a function to do the highlighting...

def highlight_cells():
    # provide your criteria for highlighting the cells here
    return ['background-color: yellow']


And then apply your highlighting function to your dataframe...

