如何从 PEM 文件加载 RSA 密钥并在 python-crypto 中使用它

2022-01-10 00:00:00 python cryptography


我还没有找到从 PEM 文件加载 RSA 私钥以在 python-crypto(签名)中使用它的方法.

I have not found a way to load an RSA private key from a PEM file to use it in python-crypto (signature).

python-openssl 可以加载 PEM 文件,但 PKey 对象不能用于检索与 Crypto.PublicKey.construct() 一起使用的密钥信息(p、q、...).

python-openssl can load a PEM file but the PKey object can't be used to retrieved key information (p, q, ...) to use with Crypto.PublicKey.construct().



is this (close to) what you tried doing?

public_key_filename = 'public_key.pem'
rsa = M2Crypto.RSA.load_pub_key(pk)

应该可以.问题也可能出在 openssl 上,当您只使用 openssl(不在 Python 中)时它是否有效?

That should work. The issue might be with openssl too, does it work when you just use openssl (not in Python)?

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