获取原始文件名 google app engine

2022-01-09 00:00:00 python google-app-engine upload


在谷歌应用引擎上接收文件上传时,示例 假设您收到的是 .png.但是,您只能通过文件名上的扩展名知道图像的类型.

When receiving a file upload on google app engine, the example assumes you're receiving a .png. However you only konw what the type of the image is by the extension on the filename.

如何获取上传到 GAE 的原始文件名?

How do you get the original filename uploaded on GAE?


正在上传的文件的文件名可以通过查看保存文件的变量的 filename 属性来确定.例如,假设您的表单有一个名为 content 的字段:

The filename of the file that is being uploaded can be determined by looking at the filename property of the variable that holds the file. For example, let's say that your form has a field named content:

<input type="file" name="content" />


Inside your Handler, you could find the name of the file with:

filename = self.request.POST["content"].filename
