从 python 脚本上传文件到我的 Dropbox
我想将我的 python 脚本中的文件自动上传到我的 Dropbox 帐户.我无论如何都找不到只用一个用户/通行证来做到这一点.我在 Dropbox SDK 中看到的一切都与具有用户交互的应用程序有关.我只想做这样的事情:
I want to upload a file from my python script to my dropbox account automatically. I can't find anyway to do this with just a user/pass. Everything I see in the Dropbox SDK is related to an app having user interaction. I just want to do something like this:
重要提示:此答案已弃用,因为 Dropbox 现在使用 v2 API.
Important Note: this answer is deprecated since dropbox uses v2 API now.
See the answer of @SparkAndShine for current API version solution
感谢@smarx 的上述回答!我只是想为其他试图这样做的人澄清一下.
Thanks to @smarx for the answer above! I just wanted to clarify for anyone else trying to do this.
当然要先安装 dropbox 模块,
pip install dropbox
在应用程序控制台"中以您自己的 Dropbox 帐户创建应用程序.(https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps)
Create an app under your own dropbox account in the "App Console". (https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps)
Just for the record I created my App with the following:
一个.应用类型为Dropbox API APP".
a. App Type as "Dropbox API APP".
b. Type of data access as "Files & Datastores"
c.文件夹访问权限为我的应用需要访问 Dropbox 上已有的文件".(即:权限类型为Full Dropbox".)
c. Folder access as "My app needs access to files already on Dropbox". (ie: Permission Type as "Full Dropbox".)
Then click the "generate access token" button and cut/paste into the python example below in place of <auth_token>