通过一个表单字段在 Django 中上传多个文件

2022-01-09 00:00:00 python django forms upload


是否有任何自定义小部件(或特殊的魔术方式)可以通过一个表单字段上传多个文件(或整个文件夹!)?我试过 这个多文件小部件 但是它使用了许多简单的 FileFiled.

Is there any custom widget (or a special magic way) to upload multiple files (or a whole folder!) through one form field? I have tried this multifile widget but it uses many simple FileFileds.


https://github.com/tstone/django-uploadify 是一个可重用的 Django 应用程序,它集成了 http://uploadify.com.

https://github.com/tstone/django-uploadify is a reusable Django app that integrates http://uploadify.com.

来自 Uploadify 的网站:

From Uploadify's website:

Uploadify 是一个 jQuery 插件,它在您的网站上集成了一个完全可定制的多文件上传实用程序.它混合使用 Javascript、ActionScript 和任何服务器端语言,在页面上的任何 DOM 元素上动态创建实例.

Uploadify is a jQuery plugin that integrates a fully-customizable multiple file upload utility on your website. It uses a mixture of Javascript, ActionScript, and any server-side language to dynamically create an instance over any DOM element on a page.
