
2023-05-16 00:00:11 原因 调查 无法访问

Recently, many people have reported on the forums that when they try to access their redis installations remotely, they get connection errors. After investigation, we found that there are three mn possible causes for this phenomenon. Here are some tips and solutions to help you solve this problem.

Firstly, when Redis requires authentication, you will also be unable to access it remotely unless you provide the correct authentication credentials. When this happens, you can solve this problem by configuring the authentication to your own needs. To do this, you can use the “requirepass” command in the redis configuration file.

For example, if you need the password “logplus” to connect, you can add the following line to your configuration file:

requirepass logplus

The second possible cause of this issue might be related to the firewall configuration. In some cases, their firewall configuration may be too restrictive and it may block the connection from remote machines. If the problem is caused by the firewall, you can temporally disable it and try to connect to your Redis installation once agn.

Finally, you should also take a look at the redis configuration file, particularly the line “bind”. If the value of this line is set to “”, it means that Redis will only listen on the localhost interface and it will ignore connection attempts from all other machines. To solve this issue, you have to change this value to “” or the IP address of the network interface that should be used to accept connections.

In conclusion, these are the three mn causes that can lead to a situation where Redis can’t be accessed remotely. To solve the issue, you should firstly make sure that authentication is working properly by configuring the “require pass” command in the configuration file, take a look at the firewall settings and also ensure that the line “bind” is properly configured.
