在 Python 中进行类似 jquery 的 HTML 解析?

2022-01-10 00:00:00 python css-selectors html-parsing jquery


是否有任何 Python 库可以让我解析类似于 jQuery 的 HTML 文档?

Is there any Python library that allows me to parse an HTML document similar to what jQuery does?

即我希望能够使用 CSS 选择器语法 从文档中抓取任意一组节点,读取它们的内容/属性等.

i.e. I'd like to be able to use CSS selectors syntax to grab an arbitrary set of nodes from the document, read their content/attributes, etc.

我以前使用过的唯一 Python HTML 解析库是 BeautifulSoup,尽管它很好,但我一直认为如果我有可用的 jQuery 语法,我的解析会更快.:D

The only Python HTML parsing lib I've used before was BeautifulSoup, and even though it's fine I keep thinking it would be faster to do my parsing if I had jQuery syntax available. :D


如果你精通BeautifulSoup,您只需将 soupselect 添加到您的库中.
Soupselect 是 BeautifulSoup 的 CSS 选择器扩展.

If you are fluent with BeautifulSoup, you could just add soupselect to your libs.
Soupselect is a CSS selector extension for BeautifulSoup.


from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup
from soupselect import select
import urllib
soup = Soup(urllib.urlopen('http://slashdot.org/'))
select(soup, 'div.title h3')

    [<h3><span><a href='//science.slashdot.org/'>Science</a>:</span></h3>,
     <h3><a href='//slashdot.org/articles/07/02/28/0120220.shtml'>Star Trek</h3>,
