# 可以指定绑定的主机IP地址
# bind
# 设置端口
# port 6379
# 设置密码
# requirepass foobared
$ cd /path/to/redis
$ ./redis-server
一旦Redis正在运行,您可以连接到Redis服务器,并使用Redis客户端建立连接。Redis客户端可以使用命令行方式或UI工具来连接到Redis服务器。在命令行命令# redis-cli命令下,Redis客户端可以启动以下命令来连接Redis实例。
$ redis-cli -h
您也可以使用该命令:# code :$ redis-cli -p 6379,以连接到不同的端口。
# redis.conf sample configuration file.
# The filename of the dump file.
dbfilename dump.rdb
# The working directory.
dir /var/lib/redis
# Uncomment the next line to bind to all interfaces instead.
# bind
# If you need to free up memory fast then it’s useful to
# enable the no-appendfsync-on-rewrite option.
# The default is to use appendfsync always.
# no-appendfsync-on-rewrite no
# Redis 2.0 has a “Fast eviction” feature that allows to avoid
# doing a full scan of the memory to reclm more space.
# It is turned on by default and it is replaced by an improved
# implementation in Redis 2.2 that is turned off by default.
# If you have very big databases chances are fast eviction is
# hurting you even with Redis 2.2 so it’s suggested that you try
# the improved LRU implementation. To do so uncomment the following
# line. Note that after doing this your memory usage may grow at
# a faster pace than it currently does so you should keep an eye
# on it if you switch to the improved LRU implementation.
# maxmemory-policy volatile-lru
# Uncomment the following line to use the Redis 2.4 eviction
# instead of the Redis 2.0 one. it is slower but more accurate.
# eviction-policy testing
# Set the max number of clients connected at the same time.
# The default is 10000 clients, 9998 are normal clients and 2
# are reserved for superuser on ACL-enabled servers.
# MaxClients 10000
# Set the max memory cache size each Redis worker can use.
# This value should match your avlable Memory.
# MaxMemory 5G
# Maxseconds to wt before a responding when a client connects.
# ClientTimeout 300
# Max number of keys that the worker thread can handle at the same time.
# MaxKeysPerWorker 1000
# Max number of idle workers.
# MaxIdleWorkers 16
# Max number of subscribers (not including master) per Redis node.
# MaxSubscribersPerNode 10
# Maxmemory memory usage policy.
# MaxmemoryUsedPolicy volatile-lru
# Maxmemory samples policy.
# MaxmemorySamples 5
# Maxservice time in MS.
# MaxServiceTime 10
# Maxretry threshold.
# MaxRetry 3
# Maxretry interval in MS.
# MaxRetryInterval 100
# Maxnode key count.
# MaxNodeKeyCount 1200000
# Maxnode memory size in bytes.
# MaxNodeSize 524288000
# Maxnode ACL tokens.
# MaxNodeACL 10000
# Maxnode ACL users.
# MaxNodeACLUsers 10000
# Maxnode ACL passwords.
# MaxNodeACLPasswords 10000
# Maxnode ACL authorizations.
# MaxNodeACLAuthorizations 10000
# Maxnode ACL patterns.
# MaxNodeACLPatterns 1000
# Maxnode ACL allowed commands.
# MaxNodeACLAllowedCommands 10000
# Maxnode ACL allowed patterns.
# MaxNodeACLAllowedPatterns 1000
# Maxnode ACL roles.
# MaxNodeACLRoles 10
# Maxnode ACL rules.
# MaxNodeACLRules 100
# Maxnode ACL rule length.
# MaxNodeACLRulesLength 512
# Maxnode slaves.
# MaxNodeSlaves 100
# Maxnode connected clients.
# MaxNodeConnectedClients 100
# Maxnode commands in batch.
# MaxNodeCommandsInBatch 1000
# Maxnode adds in batch.
# MaxNodeAddsInBatch 1000
# Maxnode removes in batch.
# MaxNodeRemovesInBatch 1000
# Maxreplica backlog size in bytes.
# MaxReplicaBacklogSize 1000000
# Maxreplica databases.
# MaxReplicaDatabases 256
# Maxreplica queue size.
# MaxReplicaQueueSize 20
# Maxinput buffer size.
# MaxInputBufferSize 1024
# Disable these logs.
# DisableLogs 4 21 14 25
# Save snapshot only if both the given number of seconds and the given
# number of writes occurred, or if you stop the server without being able to
# execute a SHUTDOWN because of a crash or power outage.
# For example to perform a snapshotting every 60 seconds if at least 1000
# keys changed hands use:
# save 60 1000
# Note: you can disable saving at all commenting all the “save” lines.
save 900 1
save 300 10
save 60 10000
# stop-writes-on-bgsave-error no
# Set alternative event loop implementation (if avlable on your system).
# This event loop uses a epoll/kqueue/port/etc. in order to wake up the
# Redis server when some event occurs, instead of using a poll(2) loop.
# Redis must be compiled with a low level socket library in order to support
# such an event loop, otherwise the server will refuse to start.
#eventloop-library ae
# To enable db hash indexes uncomment the following line.
# hash_indexes_autoload yes
# The client can use AUTH to authenticate with the server.
# AUTH disable
# AUTH mypassword
# Uncomment the following line if you want to disable the less useful
# commands in the default Redis command set.
# weakcommands no
# Optionally create a pidfile.
# pidfile /var/run/redis.pid
# Set the max number of slaves that the master can support.
# This value must be configured in the master config file.
# max-slaves 100
# Set the IFACE ip address of the slave you want to listen to.
# slave-iface
# Set the timeout for read and write client connections to the given value.
# Default is 0 for client connections, so the system timeout is used (300 seconds).
# timeout 0
# Enable an optional in-memory data structure that can be used to cache data
# in a very optimized way (memory used, read/write efficiency) for particular