用于确定两个数字在舍入到 n 个有效十进制数字时是否几乎相等的函数

2022-01-09 00:00:00 python numpy floating-point math


我被要求测试第 3 方提供的库.众所周知,该库精确到 n 个有效数字.任何不太重要的错误都可以安全地忽略.我想写一个函数来帮助我比较结果:

I have been asked to test a library provided by a 3rd party. The library is known to be accurate to n significant figures. Any less-significant errors can safely be ignored. I want to write a function to help me compare the results:

def nearlyequal( a, b, sigfig=5 ):

此函数的目的是确定两个浮点数(a 和 b)是否近似相等.如果 a==b(完全匹配)或者如果 a 和 b 在以十进制形式写入时舍入到 sigfig 有效数字时具有相同的值,则该函数将返回 True.

The purpose of this function is to determine if two floating-point numbers (a and b) are approximately equal. The function will return True if a==b (exact match) or if a and b have the same value when rounded to sigfig significant-figures when written in decimal.


Can anybody suggest a good implementation? I've written a mini unit-test. Unless you can see a bug in my tests then a good implementation should pass the following:

assert nearlyequal(1, 1, 5) 
assert nearlyequal(1.0, 1.0, 5) 
assert nearlyequal(1.0, 1.0, 5) 
assert nearlyequal(-1e-9, 1e-9, 5) 
assert nearlyequal(1e9, 1e9 + 1 , 5) 
assert not nearlyequal( 1e4, 1e4 + 1, 5) 
assert nearlyequal( 0.0, 1e-15, 5 ) 
assert not nearlyequal( 0.0, 1e-4, 6 ) 


  1. 值 a 和 b 可能是 int、float 或 numpy.float64 类型.值 a 和 b 将始终属于同一类型.转换不会给函数带来额外的错误,这一点至关重要.
  2. 让我们保留这个数字,因此转换为字符串或使用非数学技巧的函数并不理想.该程序将由一位数学家审核,他希望能够证明该函数完成了它应该做的事情.
  3. 速度...我要比较很多数字,所以越快越好.
  4. 我有 numpy、scipy 和标准库.其他任何东西对我来说都很难得到,尤其是对于项目的这么小部分.



There is a function assert_approx_equal in numpy.testing (source here) which may be a good starting point.

def assert_approx_equal(actual,desired,significant=7,err_msg='',verbose=True):
    Raise an assertion if two items are not equal up to significant digits.

    .. note:: It is recommended to use one of `assert_allclose`,
              `assert_array_almost_equal_nulp` or `assert_array_max_ulp`
              instead of this function for more consistent floating point

    Given two numbers, check that they are approximately equal.
    Approximately equal is defined as the number of significant digits
    that agree.
