

首先,我尝试过这篇文章(以及其他):Python 中的货币格式.它对我的变量没有影响.我最好的猜测是因为我使用的是 Python 3,而那是 Python 2 的代码.(除非我忽略了某些东西,因为我是 Python 新手).

First of all, I have tried this post (among others): Currency formatting in Python. It has no affect on my variable. My best guess is that it is because I am using Python 3 and that was code for Python 2. (Unless I overlooked something, because I am new to Python).

我想将浮点数(例如 1234.5)转换为字符串,例如$1,234.50".我该怎么做呢?


And just in case, here is my code which compiled, but did not affect my variable:

money = float(1234.5)
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
locale.currency(money, grouping=True)


money = float(1234.5)
print(money) #output is 1234.5
print(money) #output is 1234.5


在 Python 3.x 和 2.7 中,您可以简单地这样做:

In Python 3.x and 2.7, you can simply do this:

>>> '${:,.2f}'.format(1234.5)

:, 添加逗号作为千位分隔符,.2f 将字符串限制为小数点后两位(或添加足够的零以达到小数点后两位,视情况而定)在最后.

The :, adds a comma as a thousands separator, and the .2f limits the string to two decimal places (or adds enough zeroes to get to 2 decimal places, as the case may be) at the end.
