模拟 Python 的内置打印功能

2022-01-08 00:00:00 python mocking unit-testing python-2.x



from mock import Mock
import __builtin__

__builtin__.print = Mock()


But that raises a syntax error. I've also tried patching it like so

def test_something_that_performs_lots_of_prints(self, mock_print):

    # assert stuff


Is there any way to do this?


print 是 python 2.x 中的关键字,将其用作属性会引发 SyntaxError.您可以通过在文件开头使用 from __future__ import print_function 来避免这种情况.

print is a keyword in python 2.x, using it as attribute raises a SyntaxError. You can avoid that by using from __future__ import print_function in the beginning of the file.

注意:你不能简单地使用 setattr,因为你修改的打印函数不会被调用,除非 print 语句被禁用.

Note: you can't simply use setattr, because the print function you modified doesn't get invoked unless the print statement is disabled.

您还需要 from __future__ import print_function 在您希望使用修改后的 print 函数的每个文件中,否则它将被 打印语句.

you also need to from __future__ import print_function in every file you want your modified print function to be used, or it will be masked by the print statement.
