如何在 Python 中对象的模拟方法中调用 self?

2022-01-08 00:00:00 python mocking


我尝试测试一些不返回任何内容但将结果保存到数据库的代码.通过模拟 save 方法,我希望检查事情是否已正确处理:

I try to test some codes which don't return anything but save the result to the DB. By mocking the save method, I wish to check whether things have been processed correctly:

def mock_save(self):
    assert(self.attr, 'dest_val')
with mock.patch.object(Item, "save", create=True) as save:
    save.side_effect = mock_save
    func_to_call() //in func_to_call, I call item.save()


However, it seems that this is not allowed. It says that the number of argument mismatch.

如果我执行 def mock_save(),它将不起作用.

If I do def mock_save(), it won't work.

我如何才能引用模拟方法所作用的对象?(我在另一个适用于 __init__ 方法的线程中看到它可以直接从类中调用).

How can I have a reference to the object which the mock method act upon too? (I saw it in another thread that is applicable to __init__ method which can be called directly from the class).


你需要 autospec=True

def mock_save(self):
    assert self.attr == 'dest_val'
with mock.patch.object(Item, "save", autospec=True) as save:
    save.side_effect = mock_save
